60 Second Interview: Chelsea Sciortino
The Wanderer’s Tome is an Ennie Award nominated game design studio run by Maltese sisters Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino.
The two have a passion for all manner of tabletop roleplaying games. Together they write, produce and design lighthearted roleplaying content that's comedic, character-driven and unique in setting. They are also dedicated to creating inclusive and diverse games.
We recently took the opportunity to catch up with Chelsea and give the 60 second grilling.
Was there a specific game or type of game that inspired you to get into game creation?
I've always had a passion for all kinds of games—starting with video games, then moving on to board games, and eventually discovering tabletop roleplaying in my late teens. The first tabletop RPG I played was Dragon Age by Green Ronin, and it was this game that truly sparked my love for roleplaying. I owe a lot of my inspiration to Dragon Age because it was the game that hooked me on TTRPGs.
Years later, I started homebrewing Dungeons & Dragons to fit different genres that I wanted to play, and that experience gave me the confidence to try creating my own game.
What’s the thing you love most about being a game designer?
I’m incredibly grateful that I genuinely love every aspect of what I do. But what I love the most is seeing and hearing about people playing and enjoying my games. It still amazes me to think that there are people out there who have probably played my games more than I have!
What has been your most challenging project and why?
Flabbergasted! the TTRPG, without a doubt. It was our first full tabletop RPG, which was a massive undertaking. The project was a huge learning curve for me, both in terms of game design and running a business, as I had to juggle multiple roles throughout the process.
If you could have been responsible for any game, what would it have been?
Right now, I’d have to say Eat the Reich by Rowan, Rook and Decard because it’s the most stunning game I’ve ever seen. I’m someone who really cares about the aesthetics of games, and Eat the Reich is just exceptional!
Are there any upcoming or new releases that you are excited about?
I’d love to shout out a couple! Shadow City Mysteries by Play on Words Studios, who are fellow creators from Malta. This makes me incredibly excited, as we have a very small industry here. I’m also excited for Tiny Fables by Josiah, which is an adorable riso-printed adventure for Mausritter.
What snack should always be by the gaming table?
For me, a large bowl of popcorn is a must!
Are you a Dungeon Crawler, Resource Hoarder or a Deck Builder?
Lately, I've been reaching for a lot of deck-building games, so I’d say I’m a deck-builder right now!
What was your favourite game growing up?
There are a few that stand out! Growing up, I loved the Ratchet and Clank series—it was the first series that really got me into video games. Later on, Mass Effect and Dragon Age were the two game series that introduced me to RPGs, which eventually led me to try tabletop RPGs.
Which game brings out your competitiveness the most?
I’m generally not a very competitive person, but I’m pretty good at Terra Mystica. It’s probably the one game I own where I actually try to win!
If you got stuck on a desert island with a few friends, what’s the one game you’d love to wash up on shore?
Considering what my friends and I enjoy playing, it would have to be a party game that we wouldn’t mind playing over and over. I’d probably go with Sheriff of Nottingham.
Why not check out Flabbergasted! here. Flabbergasted! is a comedic narrative driven tabletop roleplaying game set in the Roaring ‘20s where you can join an up-and coming social club, and get up to mischief, mayhem and many marvellous misadventures, all before your afternoon tea!