60 Second Interview: Graham Bottley of Arion Games
Arion Games was set up in 2005, initially producing a wide range of paper miniatures.
Since then, they have expanded to publish the Advanced Fighting Fantasy and Maelstrom RPG's as well as many other fine games and accessories.
For our first 60 second interview, we are honoured to have game designer, author and owner of Arion Games, Graham Bottley in the hot seat.
Was there a specific game or type of game that inspired you to get into game creation?
Advanced Fighting Fantasy as it happens. When I was about 14, I wrote “AFF 2nd ed”, which although fairly different to what I published in 2011, did have some elements (such as the dungeon generator) that made it through the years.
What’s the thing you love most about being a game designer?
I get to write and play RPG’s, which have been a major part of my life for over 40 years, and get paid to do so! Plus of course I am producing games enjoyed around the world.
What has been your most challenging project and why?
Maelstrom Domesday I would say. AFF was a reworking of an already extensive game. Domesday took the very basic core of a game and reworked almost every element of the rules and setting.
If you could have been responsible for any game, what would it have been?
Savage Worlds! I have written (and am writing) various projects under licence, and it is just so easy to write for!
Are there any upcoming or new releases that you are excited about?
The AFF Solo Guide has been at various stages of completion for some years now, but it is finally moving forwards and will be a hefty tome allowing people to play the game on their own (replicating one of the game books) but will also be a great aid to Directors.
What snack should always be by the gaming table?
Pot Noodle. I have been partial to them since my University days, and a Pot Noodle and a Beer are great accompaniments to a gaming session!
Are you a Dungeon Crawler, Resource Hoarder or a Deck Builder?
Dungeon Crawler. I am a classic gamer.
What was your favourite game growing up?
My first few years in gaming saw a lot of D&D and AFF, and then we moved onto Rolemaster for quite some time. It is hard to classify one of these as an outright favourite.
Which game brings out your competitiveness the most?
That is a tricky one. I am not really competitive when RPGing, but when playing Talisman I can be rather ruthless...
If you got stuck on a desert island with a few friends, what’s the one game you’d love to wash up on shore?
Assuming it would not be one of mine, back to Savage Worlds. It can do almost any setting or game style easily.