60 Second Interview: Nat Marco

Have you ever been excited to get your kids into gaming only to remember that your 6 month year old baby might not quite be mature enough to get their head around the complexities of Gloomhaven? Well, Small Fries Games has the answer. They have a range of games suitable for ages 0 upwards. That isn’t a typo  that really is games suitable from birth. We wanted to know more about the mind behind this concept, so we put our 60 Second Interview questions to Nat Marco, the brains behind the operation.


Was there a specific game or type of game that inspired you to get into game creation?

So I actually started my career in video games and that journey started whilst I was studying animation at uni as we all had to do some work experience. I did my work experience at a mobile phone games company (pre-smart phones!) and never left. The game with the biggest influence on me was most definitely The Neverhood - a claymation point and click PC game - I really wanted to make things like that (so I did!).

What’s the thing you love most about being a game designer?

I'm not sure I can pick just one thing... I suppose I love seeing my ideas come to life and have fun playing games I designed with people I love.

What has been your most challenging project and why?

So far, I think it was probably launching 3 new games at once last year. It was a LOT! Especially editing 3 rulebooks at the same time! I also found animating a tinfoil covered plasticine model extremely challenging when I made the game Kahoots! I definitely do not recommend animating anything covered in tinfoil.

If you could have been responsible for any game, what would it have been?

I'm happy with the games I've designed... so, just my ones thanks! I do hope I get to bring my other games to market sometime though. I have sooo many!

Are there any upcoming or new releases that you are excited about?

Well anyone who follows my Insta probably knows that I am a CCG girl. So I am always excited for new MTG sets! I may have also fallen down the Lorcana and Altered rabbit holes...so new sets for those too!!!

What snack should always be by the gaming table?

Crisps! Always crisps! Most definitely salt and vinegar but other strong flavours might make an appearance too. 

Are you a Dungeon Crawler, Resource Hoarder or a Deck Builder?

I am forever a deck builder and card drafter!!!! 

Image of Build A Better Burger board game from the 80s on the Kaioss Games blog

What was your favourite game growing up?

Build a Better Burger. (Ed: Proper 80s style)

Which game brings out your competitiveness the most?

All games!! I am a highly competitive gamer!!! I don't mind if I lose, I frequently do... but I will always play to win!

If you got stuck on a desert island with a few friends, what’s the one game you’d love to wash up on shore?

Magic the Gathering. Always.

Want to know more? Have a look at our range of Small Fries Games here and start getting the little one in your life into gaming. They also make a great present solution when you have no idea what to buy for for the miniatures of friends and family.

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